Thursday, October 8, 2009


Some nights are just filled with awe. I love thunderstorms. I love all that they entail. I love the lightnings, the thunders, and even the odd fear and respect that they bring.

Tonight after driving home from a prayer meeting, there was the most beautiful, interesting storm. All of the lightening was in the high heavens. It was above the clouds and seemed to be striking at the atmosphere.

It reminded me of the scripture out of Ps 29. This chapter speaks of the voice of the Lord. Then in vs 7 it says that the "voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightening."

Then in Ps 146 is says, " Send forth lightening and scatter {the enemeies}, shoot your arrows and rout them."

This was a thunderstorm of high intensity. It provoked deep intrigue. As I was meditating on it, I felt like the Lord showed me that HE was dealing with the atmosphere over the Big Country. He was sending forth HIS voice and breaking off mindsets and scattering the enemies that are hindering advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven.

And then, as if a confirmation, he showed me how satan fell from heaven like lightning (Luke10:18). And how he is called the "prince of the air (Eph 2:2)." 

Maybe, just maybe, we are watching the divine judgements of the Lord deal with the injustice in our atmosphere. Maybe, just maybe, He has moved from His mountain (PS 18) with thunders and lightnings to fight on your behalf. Maybe, just maybe, this storm means that there truly is a new kind of movement brooding. That there is a freedom fixing to fall, and that HE is dealing with every obstacle in our way to ensure our success.


pmac said...

I love your description of the judgements of God. How the enemy is routed be his voice. Thanks for the truth. Thanks for your gifting. I love you and the lightnings that come from your mouth. 12

sethinman said...

That's so cool Tai Ann!! I was just meditating on Psalm 29:7 today. When I was reading Song of Solomon today I came across 8:6 when it talks about the Lord's love and jealousy flashes like flashes of fire which is the very flame of the Lord.
It's so awesome that i saw your blog about the very same thing the Lord has been speaking to me about or at least the same verse (Psalm 29:7) haha so cool!!

A-lauf said...

something is def happening. I can't figure out what it is over the last few days, just strange.

Unknown said...

I clicked on your site out of curiosity and you have blessed my socks off! I have read just enough to see the wonder working power of the Lord revealed in you and in your life. Since I was first blessed to meet you God has taken you leaps and bounds. Your depth is understandable and your gift for writing is astounding!

I love you girl! The Weatherwoman

Emily Suzanne said...

Hey Tai Ann!! I didn't know you had a blog, but I will gladly become a follower now that I know!
I always wonder if the thunder and lightening are actually manifestations in our world of things that are happening in the spiritual world right here among us...who knows?